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Hajra Waheed, (vitrines: left to right) PETRO SUBURB 1/3, PETRO SUBURB 2/3, PETRO SUBURB 3/3, 2019. Cut Photograph, Vellum, Acrylic, and Archival Tape, 20 x 24 inches. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Hajra Waheed, detail of PETRO SUBURB 1/3, 2019. Cut Photograph, Vellum, Acrylic, and Archival Tape, 20 x 24 inches. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Hajra Waheed, PETRO SUBURB 3/3, 2019. Cut Photograph, Vellum, Acrylic, and Archival Tape, 20 x 24 inches. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Hajra Waheed, detail of PETRO SUBURB 3/3, 2019. Cut Photograph, Vellum, Acrylic, and Archival Tape, 20 x 24 inches. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Morris Lum, (left to right) PA-1599-114-40, PA-1599-114-31, PA-1599-114-22, 2018. From the series Subtle Gestures. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Morris Lum, PA-1599-114-31 (Stan Wong and Lou Wong wearing Western clothing at barbeque, Calgary Alberta, April 8, 1969, Photographer: Ken Sakamoto, Calgary Herald), 2018. From the series Subtle Gestures. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Morris Lum, (left to right) PA-1599-114-40, PA-1599-114-31, PA-1599-114-22, PA-1599-114-4, PA-1599-114-16, PA-1599-150a-31, 2018. From the series Subtle Gestures. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Morris Lum, (left to right) PA-1599-114-16 (Mrs. C.W Templeton and Ruby Lee ready to present “Secrets of Chinese cooking” at Gas company auditorium, Calgary Alberta, Nov 17 1956. Photographer: Calgary Herald), PA-1599-150a-31 (Mary Kwan Wins Miss Sien Lok contest, Calgary Alberta, Feb 19, 1973), 2018. From the series Subtle Gestures. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Krista Belle Stewart, Potato Gardens Band, 22 minutes, video, colour, 2014–. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Deanna Bowen, The Promised Land, 28:23 minutes, 16mm transferred to video, black and white, 2019. Originally from The Promised Land from Heritage, CBC Broadcasting Corporation, 1962. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Deanna Bowen, The Promised Land, 28:23 minutes, 16mm transferred to video, black and white, 2019. Originally from The Promised Land from Heritage, CBC Broadcasting Corporation, 1962. Image credit: Darren Rigo
Jacqueline Hóang Nguyễn, Untitled, from the series Presence in Absentia, sand images from found photographs in the collection of Nguyễn Khương (1894-1974), 2018-2019 Image credit: Darren Rigo
Jacqueline Hóang Nguyễn, Untitled, from the series Presence in Absentia, sand images from found photographs in the collection of Nguyễn Khương (1894-1974), 2018-2019 Image credit: Darren Rigo
Jacqueline Hóang Nguyễn, Untitled, from the series Presence in Absentia, sand images from found photographs in the collection of Nguyễn Khương (1894-1974), 2018-2019 Image credit: Darren Rigo
Jacqueline Hóang Nguyễn, Untitled, from the series Presence in Absentia, sand images from found photographs in the collection of Nguyễn Khương (1894-1974), 2018-2019 Image credit: Darren Rigo
Gallery 44, Toronto
May 3 – June 1, 2019
By Robert Anderson
(Anglais seulement)