Ciel variable aims to identify and examine leading practices and movements in contemporary art photography. Although it closely covers the history and different uses of photography, the magazine is particularly interested in photographic practices that share the ground with other contemporary art processes, and engage in reflections on the photographic media, their position, and their impact within today’s global culture.
Editor and Publisher: Jacques Doyon – doyonj [at]
Editorial Coordinator: Jérôme Delgado – redaction [at]
Advertising and Promotion: Solenne Costes – pub [at]
Web Production: Béatrice Flynn – prod [at]
: Michel Gélinas – admin [at]
Subscription: Michel Gélinas – abo [at]
Graphic Design: Diane Héroux
Translation: Käthe Roth, Frédéric Dupuy
Editing and Proofreading: Käthe Roth, Marie-Josée Arcand
: Photosynthèse
: Imprimerie HLN
Ciel variable is a cultural, not-for-profit registered charitable organization.
Colette Tougas, Jacques Doyon, Jean Gagnon, Chuck Samuels
Claude Baillargeon, Anne Bénichou, Vid Ingelevics, Martha Langford, Vincent Lavoie, Karen Love, Suzanne Paquet, Helga Pakasaar, Cheryl Simon.
Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec
Canada Council for the Arts
Conseil des arts de Montréal
Government of Canada, Heritage Ministry, Canada Periodical Fund
and from the generous donors from whom we receive support thanks to fundraising campaigns and annual donation campaigns.
Société de développement des périodiques culturels québécois (SODEP)
Magazines Canada
Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec
Library and Archives Canada
ISSN 1711-7682