[Fall 2009 – Winter 2010]
Taken as a whole, what do the images that make up a magazine say? What do their format and positioning reveal? Artists appropriate, divert, or exaggerate the content and layout of existing magazines, seeking to make manifest how the image’s share of the page is structured and tease out the implicit statements made.
Tony Fouhse, USER: Portraits of Crack Addicts – Emily Falvey
Venice Biennale. Mark Lewis, Atta Kim, Fiona Tan – Jean-François Bélisle
La Biennale de Venise, Les petites nations – Michèle Cohen Hadria
Bertrand Carrière et Serge Clément, Chemin faisant – Sylvain Campeau
Chantal Gervais, Cindy Stelmackowich, Sarah Sudhoff, Rx – Corina Ilea