[Spring/summer 2012]
This article was originally published only in French. You can read it by switching over to the French version of this page.

CV91 – New and Worthy
New and Worthy
- Gwenaël Bélanger. Casser l’image (Expression, Centre d’exposition, Musée régional de Rimouski, 2011, n. p., fr. / angl.)
- Richard-Max Tremblay, Portrait (les éditions du passage, 2011, Montréal, 192 p., fr. / angl.)
- Darkness implacable. Matthieu Brouillard (SAGAMIE édition d’art, Alma, 2011, 124 p., fr. / ang.)
- Antonia’s Garden / Le jardin d’Antonia (La Maison de l’image et de la photographie (UMA), Montréal, 2011, 80 p., ang. / fr.).
- Jayce Salloum: History of the Present, edited by Jen Budney (Saskatoon: Mendel Art Gallery/Kamloops Art Gallery/Confederation Centre Art Gallery, 2009)
- Des actions parlantes, (Galerie Leonard & Bina Ellen, Montréal, 2012, 258 p., fr. / ang.)
- Between the Frames: The Forum, edited by Anne Bénichou (Barcelona: Museu d’art contemporani de Barcelona, 2011)