Performing for the image

These three montreal artists have in common the performative dimension of the images in their works. Bodies are staged in situations of intimacy, intrusion, or sacrifice to highlight how loved ones, strangers, and animals help to form our identity.

Les Eux
Here, we are as close as possible to bodies, in an interwoven proximity in which glancing contacts and touches seem to intrude into personal space, creating unexpected intimacy in a deserted environment, melding body parts into a formless mass in which self is dissolved in others.
with an essay by Anne-Marie St-Jean Aubre

Antonia’s garden
For marisa portolese, her italian grand­ mother’s final years offered an opportunity to look back at her family, in a garden that embodies her family’s world. The result is a personal work with universal meaning, with hieratically posed portraits and landscapes and still­lifes that become symbolic.
with an essay by Isa Tousignant

Beautiful Creatures
Staging oneself in a ritual of putting to death in order to override one’s fears. Experiencing the sacrifice of an animal on which one feeds in order to accept the complete cycle of food processing. Celebrating and displaying the beauty of animals, sharing it in a meal with friends.
with an essay by Sonia Pelletier

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