Form: Experimentation and Transformation – Sylvain Campeau
Authors: Sylvain Campeau | Artists: Alain Paiement, Bertrand Carrière, Bill Vazan, Isabelle Hayeur, Luc Courchesne, Nicolas Baier, Raymonde April
October 15, 2015 [originally published on March 31, 2010] — Looking back over twenty years and trying to retrace the path of experiments with images, we start in the early 1990s, when a couple of newcomers, Alain Paiement and Roberto Pellegrinuzzi, were already starting to turn heads. In an essay published in 1992, Denis Lessard tried to show what these artists owed to the heritage of Pierre Boogaerts, Bill Vazan, and Serge Tousignant.1 He also mentioned the work, then new, of Raymonde April, Lucie Lefebvre, and Denis Farley. This effort at historical perspective was out of place at the time, when the lion’s share of attention in the critical environment was being paid to the rebirth of installation art and the manner in which photography and, soon, the photographic would be inserted into it.