[November 12, 2020]
The Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal is kicking off, and, thanks to the pandemic, everything will take place online for three weeks – rather than the usual ten days. Ciel variable wanted to make its presence known, and our suggestion for you is Joshua Bonnetta’s very photogenic The Two Sights. Bonnetta, a Canadian director and multidisciplinary artist now living in New York, went to the Outer Hebrides Islands, off Scotland, and brought back this documentary full of fables and visual and sound impressions. The “two sights” evoked in the title bespeak what he immersed himself in and what he is pushing us toward: a world of real and reflected views, inverted images, prophetic visions, little-heard languages (Gaelic, in this case), and mythical stories.

Joshua Bonnetta, The Two Sights, 2020