Ciel variable 86 – Performance
[Fall 2010]
Historic performances are currently being updated in different forms: exhibitions, appropriations, remediations, and re-enactments. These practices raise a number of questions about the status of performance documentation (photos, videos, and films in particular) and how it is interpreted, addressed here through multiple recent examples.
Pascal Dufaux, Le cosmos dans lequel nous sommes – Jean Gagnon
Esther Shalev-Gerz, Ton image me regarde ? – Elizabeth Matheson
Emanuel Licha, Pourquoi photogénique ? – Virginie Doré Lemonde
Shirin Neshat et Shoja Azari, Women Without Men – Mylène Joly
William Eggleston, Democratic Camera, Photographs and Video, 1961-2008 – Sylvain Campeau