Un magazine qui se consacre à la présentation et à l’analyse des pratiques de la photographie en lien à l’art contemporain, aux nouvelles technologies de l’image et aux enjeux actuels de la culture.
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[Spring 1993] This article was originally published only in French. You can read it by switching over to the French version of this page.
[Spring 1993] This article was originally published only in French. You can read it by switching over to the French version of this page.
[Spring 1993] This article was originally published only in French. You can read it by switching over to the French version of this page.
[Spring 1993] This article was originally published only in French. You can read it by switching over to the French version of this page.
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© Magazine Ciel variable 2025 5445, Av. de Gaspé, bureau 612, Montréal, Qc, Canada H2T 3B2 – 514/390-1193 – info [arrobas] cielvariable.ca